Now showing items 394-413 of 486

    • Robot Semantic Localization Through CNN Descriptors 

      Cruz, Edmanuel; Rangel, José Carlos; Cazorla, Miguel (11/12/2017)
      Semantic localization for mobile robots involves an accurate determination of the kind of place where a robot is located. Therefore, the representation of the knowledge of this place is crucial for the robot. In this paper ...
    • Robots Móviles para Tareas de Desminado Humanitario 

      Armada, Manuel; Fernández, Roemi; Montes Franceschi, Héctor; Sarria, Javier; Salinas, Carlota (2013-07-05)
      La eliminación de minas antipersona es un problema de dimensión internacional que requiere del empleo de nuevas tecnologías tales como el desarrollo de sensores avanzados y el empleo eficiente de robots móviles. ...
    • Robust Cascade Controller for Nonlinearly Actuated Biped Robots: Experimental Evaluation 

      Caballero, Rony; Armada, Manuel; Akinfiev, Teodor (2004-06-26)
      In this paper we consider the postural stability problem for nonlinearly actuated quasi-static biped robots, both with respect to the joint angular positions and also with reference to the gripping effect between the ...
    • Robust lane marking detection based on multi-feature fusion 

      Cáceres Hernández, Danilo; Seo, Dongwook; Hyun Jo, Kang (07/06/2016)
      In the field of intelligent vehicle systems (IVS), color and edge of lane markings are important features for vision-based applications. This paper proposes a method to detect lane marking based on a fusion approach which ...
    • Role of pH in partitioning and cation exchange of aromatic amines on water-saturated soils 

      Li, Hui; Lee, Linda; Fábrega, José; Jafvert, Chad (08/04/2001)
      Predicting the reversible interactions between aromatic amines and soil is essential for assessing the mobility, bioavailability and exposure from contaminated sites. Reversible sorption mechanisms of aniline and α-naphthylamine ...
    • Roughness measurement of paper using speckle 

      Pino, Abdiel; Pladellorens, Josep; Cusola, Oriel; Caum, Jesus (2011-09-02)
      We present a method of measure of the roughness of the paper based on the analysis of a speckle pattern on the surface. Images of speckle over the surface of paper are captured by means of a simple configuration using a ...
    • RSOA basado en ontologías para entornos virtuales en la educación superior panameña 

      Villarreal, Yazmina; Morales, Maritza; González, Elida; Béliz Osorio, Nicholas; Lopez, Victor; Gómez, Boris; Muñoz, Ana (Virtual Educa 2014Virtual Educa 2014, 07/01/2014)
      En la búsqueda de información en la Web hay diversos factores que dan como resultado que un alto porcentaje de los recursos recuperados con una herramienta de búsqueda no cumplan con las condiciones ...
    • S-MAS: An adaptive hierarchical distributed multi-agent architecture for blocking malicious SOAP messages within Web Services environments 

      Pinzón Trejos, Cristian; Bajo, Javier; De Paz, Juan; Corchado, Juan (05/01/2011)
      During the last years the use of Web Service-based applications has notably increased. However, the security has not evolved proportionally, which makes these applications vulnerable and objective of attacks. One of the ...
    • Sagnac loop in ring resonators for tunable optical filters 

      Vargas, Salvador; Vázquez, Carmen; Sánchez Pena, José Manuel (08/01/2005)
      General filter architecture using co-and counterpropagation signals are studied. A specific configuration based on a Sagnac loop within a ring resonator is analyzed. Novel tuning, apart from conventional tuning,is achieved ...
    • Scene classification based on semantic labeling 

      Rangel, José Carlos; Cazorla, Miguel; García-Varea, Ismael; Martínez-Gómez, Jesus; Fromont, Élisa; Sebban, Marc (07/14/2015)
      Finding an appropriate image representation is a crucial problem in robotics. This problem has been classically addressed by means of computer vision techniques, where local and global features are used. The selection ...
    • Scintillometer networks for calibration and validation of energy balance and soil moisture remote sensing algorithms 

      Hendrickx, Jan; Kleissl, Jan; Gómez Vélez, Jesús; Hong, Sung-ho; Fábrega, José; Vega, David; Moreno Ramírez, Hernán; Ogden, Fred (05/07/2007)
      Accurate estimation of sensible and latent heat fluxes as well as soil moisture from remotely sensed satellite images poses a great challenge. Yet, it is critical to face this challenge since the estimation of spatial and ...
    • SCMAS: A distributed hierarchical multi-agent architecture for blocking attacks to databases 

      Pinzón Trejos, Cristian; Corchado, Juan; Bajo, Javier; De Paz, Yanira; Perez-Lancho, Belen (04/04/2010)
      One of the main attacks on databases is the SQL injection attack which causes severe damage both in the commercial aspect and the confidence of users. This paper presents a novel strategy for detecting and preventing SQL ...
    • A Security Proposal Based on a Real Time Agent to Protect Web Services Against DoS Attack 

      Pinzón Trejos, Cristian; González, Angélica; Rubio, Manuel; Bajo, Javier (2012-07-02)
      This paper describes a novel proposal based on a real time agent to detect and block denial of service attacks within web services environments. The real time agent incorporates a classification mechanism based on a Case-Base ...
    • Seismic Design of Multi-story Buildings with Metallic Structural Fuses 

      Vargas, Ramiro; Bruneau, Michel (2006-06-28)
      Seismic design relies on inelastic deformations through hysteretic behavior. However, this translates into damage on structural elements, permanent system deformations following an earthquake, and possibly high cost for ...
    • Seismic Response of Hybrid Systems with Metallic and Viscous Dampers 

      Vargas, Ramiro (2016-06-27)
      Metallic dampers can enhance structural performance by reducing seismically induced lateral displacements, and by reducing inelastic behavior of beams and columns. Limiting story drift also indirectly allows for mitigation ...
    • Seismic Response of Single-Degree-of-Freedom (SDOF) Structural Fuse Systems 

      Vargas, Ramiro; Bruneau, Michel (2004-06-26)
      Passive energy dissipation (PED) devices have been implemented to enhance structural performance by reducing seismically induced structural damage. In this paper metallic dampers are defined to be structural fuses (SF) ...
    • Seismic Response of Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems with Structural Fuses 

      Vargas, Ramiro (2004-06-25)
      Passive energy dissipation (PED) devices have been implemented to enhance structural performance by reducing seismically induced structural damage. In this article, metallic dampers are defined to be structural fuses (SF) ...
    • Semantic Localization of a Robot in a Real Home 

      Bauer, Zuria; Rangel, José Carlos; Cazorla, Miguel; Gomez Donoso, Francisco (11/21/2018)
      In social robotics, it is important that a mobile robot knows where it is because it provides a starting point for other activities such as moving from one room to another. As a contribution to solving this problem in the ...
    • Semi-supervised 3D object recognition through CNN labeling 

      Rangel, José Carlos; Martínez Gómez, Jesus; Romero González, Cristina; García Varea, Ismael; Cazorla, Miguel (04/01/2018)
      Despite the outstanding results of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in object recognition and classification, there are still some open problems to address when applying these solutions to real-world problems. Specifically, ...
    • Services through NFC technology in AmI Environment 

      Villarreal, Vladimir; Chavira, Gabriel; Nava, Salvador; Hervás, Ramón; Bravo, José; Martín, Sergio; Castro, Manuel (11/24/2008)
      The use of Near Field Communications technology in AmI environments is a further step in achieving our particular proposal of the vision of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. This work explores the single use ...