Now showing items 161-180 of 228

    • Aplicabilidad de la tecnología móvil en residencias y centros especializados 

      Villarreal, Vladimir (X Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Médicos de ResidenciasX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Médicos de Residencias, 11/03/2011)
      Uno de los principales esfuerzos de nuestro trabajo radica en aprovechar las capacidades de dispositivos móviles universales como los teléfonos móviles y sensores autónomos integrados, permitiendo la obtención de servicios ...
    • La efectividad de la formación en ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje en la educación superior 

      Pérez, Luiyiana; Miguelena, Ramfis; Diallo, Abdoulaye F. (Revista Campus VirtualesRevista Campus Virtuales, 07/01/2016)
      La educación virtual está posicionada a nivel mundial como una alternativa útil para todo aquel que no tiene acceso a universidades tradicionales por situación económicas, familiar o ubicación geográfica, pero actualmente ...
    • Sistema de Evaluación y Seguimiento Académico y su Aporte a los Procesos de re-acreditación de Carreras en la Universidad Tecnológica de Panam 

      Pérez, Luiyiana; Espitia, Rubén; Domínguez, Maritza (Engineering Innovations for Global Sustainability: Proceedings of the 14th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and TechnologyEngineering Innovations for Global Sustainability: Proceedings of the 14th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology, 07/22/2016)
    • Metodología para el cálculo del Índice de la Brecha Digital en las PYME del Sector Agropecuario en Panamá 

      Pérez, Luiyiana; Miguelena, Ramfis; Diallo, Abdoulaye F. (Proceedings of the 13th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology: Engineering Education Facing the Grand Challenges, What Are We Doing?Proceedings of the 13th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology: Engineering Education Facing the Grand Challenges, What Are We Doing?, 07/29/2015)
    • Applying Absolute Residuals as Evaluation Criterion for Estimating the Development Time of Software Projects by Means of a Neuro-Fuzzy Approach 

      García-Díaz, Noel; Verduzo-Ramirez, Alberto; Garcia-Virgen, Juan; Muñoz, Lilia (Journal of Information Systems Engineering & ManagementJournal of Information Systems Engineering & Management, 11/04/2016)
      In the software development field, software practitioners expend between 30% and 40% more effort than is predicted. Accordingly, researchers have proposed new models for estimating the development effort such that the ...
    • Improving the planning of buildings with data visualization 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Caballero, Edwin; Caceres, Eliecer (Computing Colombian Conference (9CCC), 2014 9thComputing Colombian Conference (9CCC), 2014 9th, 11/13/2014)
      The use of geographic information has been widely developed around the world especially in the last decade, due in part to the development of communication technologies such as the Internet, mobile devices and the expansion ...
    • A view on the use of ICT in SMEs in Panama 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Pitti, Piscis (07/30/2015)
      The gradual integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the economic activity will allow Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in particular to gain competitive advantages, to improve their processes ...
    • ICT: Improving processes in rural areas 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Jaime Acosta, Farrah Batista; Edgar Ríos, Rodolfo Moreno (Telematics and Information Systems (EATIS), 2016 8th Euro American Conference onTelematics and Information Systems (EATIS), 2016 8th Euro American Conference on, 07/25/2016)
      The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are the foundation for the Administration to achieve lower costs, streamline processes and provide better service to citizens; but above all they allow you to convert ...
    • Mobile Physical Rehabilitation of Patients through Intelligence Devices 

      Villarreal, Vladimir; Silvera, Abel; Muñoz, Lilia (8th International Conference, UCAmI 2014, Belfast, UK, December 2-5, 2014. Proceedings8th International Conference, UCAmI 2014, Belfast, UK, December 2-5, 2014. Proceedings, 12/02/2014)
      That develop solutions that facilitate the development of therapy from home are a compelling factor in our social environment. In our country mobile technology is important as a support tool in the rehabilitation of people. ...
    • AprendeBn: Una Plataforma de Cursos en Línea Masivos y Abiertos para el Sistema Educativo Panameño 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Bernal, Alexander; Royer, Raúl; Villarreal, Vladimir (10/01/2014)
      En este artículo se presenta y se describe la creación de una plataforma de e-Learning – y de sus contenidos – llamada AprendeBn para el sistema educativo panameño. AprendeBn es de acceso abierto, gratuito y de uso masivo. ...
    • Redes Sociales su impacto en la Educación Superior: Caso de estudio Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá 

      Muñoz, Lilia; González, Cecilia (Campus Virtuales, Vol. V, Num. 1, pp. 84-90.Campus Virtuales, Vol. V, Num. 1, pp. 84-90., 03/01/2016)
      La incorporación de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) a la educación han trazado nuevas demandas hacia los educadores, los usuarios, las instituciones educativas y en general a las distintas esferas ...
    • A long-term field study on the adoption of smartphones by children in Panama 

      Valderrama Bahamóndez, Elba Del Carmen; Pfleging, Bastian; Henze, Niels; Schmidt, Albrecht (MobileHCI '14 Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices & serviceMobileHCI '14 Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices & service, 09/23/2014)
      Computing technology is currently adopted in emerging countries. Especially mobile phones and smart phones become widely used - with a much higher penetration than traditional computers. In our work we investigate how ...
    • Assessing usability in dof: an Activity for children with speech disorders 

      Quintero-Rivas, Erika; Murillo, Danny; Valderrama Bahamóndez, Elba Del Carmen; Molina-Poveda, Eduardo S. (IADIS International Conference e-Society 2017IADIS International Conference e-Society 2017, 06/01/2017)
      This paper presents the findings of an empirical study of a prototype for children with speech disorders. --- the purpose of this work was to evaluate the interaction process of children on the Dice of Phoneme DoF (DoF) ...
    • Towards Simple Interaction in the Classroom: an NFC Approach 

      Nava-Diaz, Salvador; Chavira, Gabriel; Hervas, Ramon; Villarreal, Vladimir; Bravo, Jose (IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2008IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2008, 01/01/2008)
      In a given environment, distributing different devices with computing capabilities around us opens up new possibilities. It allows simple and easy interaction between user and computer. In this work we propose an approach ...
    • NFC Approach: Towards a Simple Interaction 

      Nava-Diaz, Salvador; Chavira, Gabriel; Hervas, Ramon; Villarreal, Vladimir; Bravo, Jose; Martin, Sergio; Castro, Manuel (01/01/2009)
      Nowadays, there are devices with great computing capabilities and these in different places around us. This technology opens us new possibilities and allows us the simple and easy interaction between user and computer. We ...
    • Using a Communication Model to Collect Measurement Data through Mobile Devices 

      Bravo, Jose; Villarreal, Vladimir; Hervas, Ramon; Urzaiz, Gabriel (sensorssensors, 07/05/2012)
      Wireless systems and services have undergone remarkable development since the first mobile phone system was introduced in the early 1980s. The use of sensors in an Ambient Intelligence approach is a great solution in a ...
    • Desarrollo de un Software Educativo para el Tratamiento de los Niños con Dislexia en Panamá aplicando el MPIu+a para el Diseño de las Interfaces de Usuario 

      Rodríguez Martínez, Kexy; Díaz Quintero, María de Jesús; Quintero Fuentes, Natividad (06/01/2012)
      Este artículo presenta el desarrollo de un software educativo para el tratamiento de los niños con dislexia en Panamá aplicando el MPIu+a para el diseño de las Interfaces de Usuario, que funcionará en una Tablet para ...
    • Achieving Adaptive Augmented Reality through Ontological Context-Awareness applied to AAL Scenarios 

      Hervas, Ramon; Bravo, Jose; Fontecha, Jesus; Villarreal, Vladimir (Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 19, no. 9 (2013)Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 19, no. 9 (2013), 05/01/2013)
      This paper presents a proposal for supporting daily user needs by simple interactions with the environment through an augmented-reality perspective that applies proactive adaptation through knowledge representation using ...
    • Virtualización de la educación y formación docente: El caso de la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Luego de 10 Años de Ejecución 

      González, Elida Edith; Morales, Maritza; Villarreal, Yazmina (02/01/2012)
      El presente artículo plantea la experiencia concreta en enseñanza virtual desarrollada por el Centro de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación en las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (CIDITIC), de la ...
    • Applying Ontologies in the Development of Patient Mobile Monitoring Framework 

      Villarreal, Vladimir; Hervas, Ramon; Diez, Ana; Bravo, Jose (2nd International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering2nd International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering, 09/17/2009)
      In this paper, patient mobile monitoring enabling framework architecture is presented. To this end, biometric devices (e.g. glucometers, blood pressure meters) are used to send data to the mobile phone via technology such ...