Investigación: Recent submissions
Now showing items 421-440 of 499
Desarrollo de un Marco Metodológico Orientado al Diseño de Interfaces para el Tratamiento de Niños con Dislexia Aplicando el Método de Proceso de Ingeniería de Usabilidad y Accesibilidad (MPIu+a)
(03/01/2012)Durante los últimos años, las dificultades en el aprendizaje de la lectura y escritura en niños han sido objeto de numerosas investigaciones y trabajos que han ayudado considerablemente a su comprensión y solución. Estas ... -
Robot Saltador y Procedimiento para su Control
(2005-10-01)Robot saltador para el movimiento en terrenos con obstáculos, que contiene al menos un resorte (4) con uno de sus extremos unido al cuerpo (1) del robot, y una cadena cinemática entre el motor (5) y el resorte (4) que ... -
Modèles 2-D MA pour les champs non déterministes et la décomposition de textures de type Wold
(2007-06-29)Nous proposons une nouvelle méthode pour l'estimation de paramètres d'un modèle 2-D MA infini tronqué associé aux champs stationnaires non déterministes. Cette méthode est développée dans le cadre d'approches d'analyse et ... -
Outer Factor 2-D MA Models for Purely Random Fields and Fields and Wold-Tipe Texture Decompositions
(2007-06-29)In this paper, we propose a new method to compute the parameters of finite approximations of 2-D MA infinite models associated with purely indeterministic stationary fields, by using spectral factorizations. This method ... -
Lyapunov Based Stability Analysis for Metro Lines
(2008-06-30)In this work a direct method to measure the stability of metro system lines with respect to a previously constructed time schedule is presented. For this purpose we first model saturation effects using a real time discrete ... -
Compressive Sensing for Inverse Scattering
(2008-06-30)Compressive sensing is a new field in signal processing and applied mathematics. It allows one to simultaneously sample and compress signals which are known to have a sparse representation in a known basis or dictionary ... -
A New Methodology for Massive Alarm Management System in Electrical Power Administration
(2009-07-01)The paper presents a methodology that integrates several available techniques to manage the massive amount of alarm signals in electrical power dispatch control centers, as well as the contribution of each entity involved ... -
Estimation Aveugle Itérative par Filtrage H∞ des Décalages Doppler d’un Système OFDMA Entrelacé en Liaison Montante
(2009-07-01)Il s'agit d'estimer et de compenser de multiples décalages Doppler dans un contexte multi-(porteuses, utilisateurs) OFDMA en liaison montante. Pour cela, nous proposons une architecture de réception itérative capable ... -
Décomposition d’Images Fondée sur l’Analyse de la Régularité Locale: Application au Codage Hybride d’Image
(2016-07-01)La représentation hybride d'image utilise conjointement la décomposition en ondelettes pour l'information structurée et la modélisation paramétrique pour les textures. Dans ce cadre, nous proposons un algorithme qui décompose ... -
A Fuzzy Logic Inference Approach for the Estimation of the Passengers Flow Demand
(2016-07-02)This paper presents a new approach that designs the flow of passengers in mass transportation systems in presence of uncertainties. One of the techniques used for the prediction of passenger demand is the origin- destination ... -
Experimental Evaluation of Perception and Actuation Architectures for the Articulated Vehicle Automatic Control
(2010-07-02)Bus Rapid Transit systems as well as Intelligent Transport Systems are being subject of research since many years. Nowadays with highly developed instrumentation, sensing and actuation technologies it is possible to foresee ... -
Monitoring Architecture to collect measurement data and medical patient control through mobile devices
(5th International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence - UCAmI 20115th International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence - UCAmI 2011, 01/01/2011)Patients constant monitoring is considered one of the most relevant aspects in healthcare. The development of a framework to communicate information between mobile and biometric devices allows constant monitoring of the ... -
A Perception System for Accurate Automatic Control of an Articulated Bus
(2010-07-02)This paper describes the perception system for an automatic articulated bus where an accurate tracking trajectory is desired. Among the most promising transport infrastructures of the autonomous or semi-autonomous ... -
Lateral and Longitudinal Control System for the Automation of an Articulated Bus
(2010-07-02)This paper presents several results regarding the lateral and longitudinal control systems that have been applied for the automation of an articulated bus, using a rolling wheeled box system with special design that moves ... -
Alarm Tree Analysis Using Statistical Techniques
(2011-07-03)This work presents a systematic method for the generation and treatment of the alarms' graphs, being its final object to find the Alarm Root Cause of the Massive Alarms that are produced in the dispatching centers. Although ... -
Vehículo Submarino de 6 Grados de Libertad para Inspección Interna de Tuberías
(2012-07-04)La inspección internas de túneles de hidroeléctricas, tuberías de presión, cascos de barco y lugares muy cerrados dentro de estructuras sumergidas requieren la utilización de un vehículo submarino operado remotamente. Sin ... -
Un Enfoque de Lógica Borrosa para el Modelado de los Flujos de Pasajeros y el Tiempo de Parada
(2012-07-04)La estimación del flujo de pasajeros y el tiempo de parada en la estación constituyen importante tareas para la planificación de los sistemas de masivos de pasajeros. Sin embargo, los métodos clásicos son difíciles de ... -
State of the Art Review on Mobile Robots and Manipulators for Humanitarian Demining
(2016-07-04)Robotics solutions properly sized with suitable modularized structure and well adapted to local conditions of dangerous unstructured areas can greatly improve the safety of personnel as well as the work efficiency, ... -
A Fuzzy Logic Approach To Modelling The Passengers’ Flow And Dwelling Time
(2012-07-04)The passengers’ flow and station dwell time estimation are important tasks for mass transit planning. However, classical methods are difficult to apply into some practical achievements. This paper presents a new approach ... -
A Cognitive Way to Access the Frequency Spectrum
(2013-07-05)Cognitive radio (CR) is an emergent technology in wireless communication. It aims at improve considerably spectrum use by allowing dynamic spectrum access (DSA). The DSA can be performed in different ways, e.g. interweave ...