Now showing items 41-60 of 229

    • Object recognition in noisy RGB-D data using GNG 

      Rangel, José Carlos; Morell, Vicente; Cazorla, Miguel; Orts-Escolano, Sergio; García-Rodríguez, José (Pattern Analysis and ApplicationsPattern Analysis and Applications, 04/26/2016)
      Object recognition in 3D scenes is a research field in which there is intense activity guided by the problems related to the use of 3D point clouds. Some of these problems are influenced by the presence of noise in the ...
    • Scene classification based on semantic labeling 

      Rangel, José Carlos; Cazorla, Miguel; García-Varea, Ismael; Martínez-Gómez, Jesus; Fromont, Élisa; Sebban, Marc (07/14/2015)
      Finding an appropriate image representation is a crucial problem in robotics. This problem has been classically addressed by means of computer vision techniques, where local and global features are used. The selection ...
    • Estándares de codificación e interoperabilidad en eSalud: evaluación del proyecto AmIHEALTH 

      Castillo Quiel, Yarisol; Saavedra, Amilkar; Villarreal, Vladimir (Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencia de la SaludRevista Cubana de Información en Ciencia de la Salud, 07/24/2019)
      En el área de la salud, la interoperabilidad en las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación es la capacidad de los sistemas de información para comunicarse, intercambiar datos y utilizarlos en un sistema de salud. ...
    • Improving University Quality of Services through Mobile Devices: The Case of the Technological University of Panama 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Villarreal, Vladimir; Sanchez, Alex (12/02/2013)
      Society evolves at a rapid pace, integrates the latest everydays life technologies and squeezes the benefits of innovation. At the same time, universities follow these same steps, creating great possibilities by providing ...
    • ICT: Improving processes in rural areas 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Batista Acosta, Farrah Jaime; Moreno Ríos, Rodolfo Edgar; Vásquez, Volker (04/28/2016)
      The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are the foundation for the Administration to achieve lower costs, streamline processes and provide better service to citizens; but above all they allow you to convert ...
    • Gender Equity in ICT Research 

      Muñoz, Lilia (2018-07-09)
      The relationship between women and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is changing but the presence of women in technical and scientific studies and research in these fields is much lower than that of men. In ...
    • Hacia la reutilización de datos abiertos: caso de la República de Panamá 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Patiño, Libny; Hernández, Daves; Gutierrez, Sandra; Concepción, Irvin (09/01/2017)
      La apertura de datos en América Latina está en la agenda pública de los gobiernos. A lo largo del mundo cada vez son más los gobiernos que se suman a las iniciativas de datos abiertos, debido a las múltiples ventajas que ...
    • Improved teaching and conservation of natural sites through augmented reality 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Montenegro, Reyes (06/21/2017)
      Augmented Reality is a technology that complements the perception and interaction with the real world and allows the user to be in an enhanced environment with additional information generated by the computer. In recent ...
    • Diseño de un modelo predictivo en el contexto Industria 4.0 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Rodríguez González, Sara; Sittón Candanedo, Inés (02/11/2018)
      El Internet de las Cosas (IoT), el desarrollo e instalación de sensores avanzados para recolección de datos, las soluciones informáticas de conexión remota y otras tecnologías disruptivas están marcando un proceso de ...
    • Redes Sociales su impacto en la Educación Superior: Caso de estudio Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá 

      Muñoz, Lilia; González, Cecilia (03/28/2016)
      La incorporación de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) a la edu- cación han trazado nuevas demandas hacia los educadores, los usuarios, las instituciones educativas y en general a las distintas esferas ...
    • Measures for ETL processes models in data warehouses 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Mazón, Jose Norberto; Trujillo, Juan (11/06/2009)
      processes take charge of extracting the data from data sources that would be contained in the data warehouse. Due to their relevance, the quality of these processes should be formally assessed since the early stages of ...
    • Systematic review and comparison of modeling ETL processes in data warehouse 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Mazón, Jose Norberto; Trujillo, Juan (08/23/2010)
      Abstract: In a Data Warehouse (DW), ETL processes (Extraction, Transformation, Load) are responsible for extracting, transforming and loading data from the data sources into the DW. A good design of these processes in the ...
    • La robótica educativa, una herramienta para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las ciencias y las tecnologías 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Moreno, Iveth; Serracín, José Rolando; Quintero, Jacqueline; Patiño Pittí, Kathia; Quiel, Juan (2012-07-04)
      En este artículo se presenta y analiza la robótica educativa como una herramienta de apoyo al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, a nivel de pre-media, orientada principalmente a asignaturas complejas como la matemática, ...
    • ETL Process Modeling Conceptual for Data Warehouses: A Systematic Mapping Study 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Mazón, Jose Norberto; Juan, Trujillo (06/16/2011)
      BACKGROUND: A data warehouse (DW) is an integrated collection of subject-oriented data in the support of decision making. Importantly, the integration of data sources is achieved through the use of ETL (Extract, Transform, ...
    • A family of experiments to validate measures for UML activity diagrams of ETL processes in data warehouses 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Mazón, Jose Norberto; Trujillo, Juan (11/01/2010)
      In data warehousing, Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) processes are in charge of extracting the data from the data sources that will be contained in the data warehouse. Their design and maintenance is thus a cornerstone ...
    • Modelling ETL processes of data warehouses with UML activity diagrams 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Mazón, Jose Norberto; Pardillo, Jesús; Trujillo, Juan (11/09/2008)
      Extraction-transformation-loading (ETL) processes play an important role in a data warehouse (DW) architecture because they are responsible of integrating data from heterogeneous data sources into the DW repository. ...
    • Automatic generation of ETL processes from conceptual models 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Trujillo, Juan; Mazón, Jose Norberto (11/06/2009)
      Data warehouses (DW) integrate different data sources in order to give a multidimensional view of them to the decision-maker. To this aim, the ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Load) processes are responsible for extracting ...
    • Sistema Nefelometrico Auto-referenciado Inmune a Fuentes de Luz Externas 

      Vargas, Salvador; Calvo, Jossue (02/11/2018)
      Este trabajo describe los conceptos y procedimientos aplicados para el dise no e implementación de un sensor de turbiedad de agua. El mismo se dise na con la finalidad de brindarnos lecturas de turbiedad del agua. El sensor ...
    • Time Division Multiplexing Fibre-Optic Liquid Level Sensors using a Nematic 1x2 Optical Switch 

      Vázquez, Carmen; Vargas, Salvador; Santos, José Luis; Sánchez Pena, José Manuel; montalvo, Julio (09/01/2004)
      In this paper, time division multiplexing with optical switches in a multi-sensor system for level measurements with POF is reported. POF are used in the sensor heads and as transmission media along the optical network. ...
    • Low power consumption silicon photonics tuning filters based on compound microring resonators 

      Vargas, Salvador; Vázquez, Carmen (03/14/2013)
      Scalable integrated optics platforms based on silicon-on-insulator allow to develop optics and electronics functions on the same chip. Developments in this area are fostered by its potential as an I/O technology that can ...