Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Automatic OSPF Topology map generation using information of the OSPF database
Nowadays, different technologies provide support to different areas of our diverse lifestyles around the world. Highly reputable companies are doing important research on the connectivity of multiple devices to the different ...
Robot Semantic Localization Through CNN Descriptors
Semantic localization for mobile robots involves an accurate determination of the kind of place where a robot is located. Therefore, the representation of the knowledge of this place is crucial for the robot. In this paper ...
Object recognition in noisy RGB-D data using GNG
(Pattern Analysis and ApplicationsPattern Analysis and Applications, 04/26/2016)
Object recognition in 3D scenes is a research field in which there is intense activity guided by the problems related to the use of 3D point clouds. Some of these problems are influenced by the presence of noise in the ...
Using GNG on 3D Object Recognition in Noisy RGB-D data
The object recognition task on 3D scenes is a growing research field that faces some problems relative to the use of 3D point clouds. In this work, we focus on dealing with the noise in the clouds through the use of the ...
Semi-supervised 3D object recognition through CNN labeling
Despite the outstanding results of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in object recognition and classification, there are still some open problems to address when applying these solutions to real-world problems. Specifically, ...
Irrigation System Through Intelligent Agents Implemented With Arduino Technology
The water has become in recent years a valuable and increasingly scarce. Its proper use in agriculture has demanded incorporate new technologies, mainly in the area of ICT. In this paper we present a smart irrigation system ...
Scene classification based on semantic labeling
Finding an appropriate image representation is a crucial problem in robotics. This problem has been classically addressed by means of computer vision techniques, where local and global features are used. The selection ...
Semantic Localization of a Robot in a Real Home
In social robotics, it is important that a mobile robot knows where it is because it provides a starting point for other activities such as moving from one room to another. As a contribution to solving this problem in the ...
Application of pedagogical robotics in learning for children with special needs APRoLeCSNe
APRoLeCSNe is a project that presents the approach of pedagogical robotics to support the learning methods for children with special learning needs (CSLN). Pedagogical Robotics focuses on inductive learning and guided ...
Detecting DoS Attack in Web Services by Using an Adaptive Multiagent Solution
One of the most frequent techniques of a DoS attack is to exhaust available resources (memory, CPU cycles, and bandwidth) on the host server. A SOAP message can be affected by a DoS attack if the incoming message has been ...