Now showing items 183-202 of 229

    • Scene classification based on semantic labeling 

      Rangel, José Carlos; Cazorla, Miguel; García-Varea, Ismael; Martínez-Gómez, Jesus; Fromont, Élisa; Sebban, Marc (07/14/2015)
      Finding an appropriate image representation is a crucial problem in robotics. This problem has been classically addressed by means of computer vision techniques, where local and global features are used. The selection ...
    • SCMAS: A distributed hierarchical multi-agent architecture for blocking attacks to databases 

      Pinzón Trejos, Cristian; Corchado, Juan; Bajo, Javier; De Paz, Yanira; Perez-Lancho, Belen (04/04/2010)
      One of the main attacks on databases is the SQL injection attack which causes severe damage both in the commercial aspect and the confidence of users. This paper presents a novel strategy for detecting and preventing SQL ...
    • A Security Proposal Based on a Real Time Agent to Protect Web Services Against DoS Attack 

      Pinzón Trejos, Cristian; González, Angélica; Rubio, Manuel; Bajo, Javier (2012-07-02)
      This paper describes a novel proposal based on a real time agent to detect and block denial of service attacks within web services environments. The real time agent incorporates a classification mechanism based on a Case-Base ...
    • Semantic Localization of a Robot in a Real Home 

      Bauer, Zuria; Rangel, José Carlos; Cazorla, Miguel; Gomez Donoso, Francisco (11/21/2018)
      In social robotics, it is important that a mobile robot knows where it is because it provides a starting point for other activities such as moving from one room to another. As a contribution to solving this problem in the ...
    • Semi-supervised 3D object recognition through CNN labeling 

      Rangel, José Carlos; Martínez Gómez, Jesus; Romero González, Cristina; García Varea, Ismael; Cazorla, Miguel (04/01/2018)
      Despite the outstanding results of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in object recognition and classification, there are still some open problems to address when applying these solutions to real-world problems. Specifically, ...
    • Services through NFC technology in AmI Environment 

      Villarreal, Vladimir; Chavira, Gabriel; Nava, Salvador; Hervás, Ramón; Bravo, José; Martín, Sergio; Castro, Manuel (11/24/2008)
      The use of Near Field Communications technology in AmI environments is a further step in achieving our particular proposal of the vision of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. This work explores the single use ...
    • SiC: An agent based architecture for preventing and detecting attacks to ubiquitous databases 

      Pinzón Trejos, Cristian; De Paz, Yanira; Bajo, Javier; Abraham, Ajith; Corchado, Juan (2009-07-01)
      One of the main attacks to ubiquitous databases is the structure query language (SQL) injection attack, which causes severe damages both in the commercial aspect and in the user’s confidence. This chapter proposes the SiC ...
    • Sistema de Evaluación y Seguimiento Académico y su Aporte a los Procesos de re-acreditación de Carreras en la Universidad Tecnológica de Panam 

      Pérez, Luiyiana; Espitia, Rubén; Domínguez, Maritza (Engineering Innovations for Global Sustainability: Proceedings of the 14th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and TechnologyEngineering Innovations for Global Sustainability: Proceedings of the 14th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology, 07/22/2016)
    • Sistema Nefelometrico Auto-referenciado Inmune a Fuentes de Luz Externas 

      Vargas, Salvador; Calvo, Jossue (02/11/2018)
      Este trabajo describe los conceptos y procedimientos aplicados para el dise no e implementación de un sensor de turbiedad de agua. El mismo se dise na con la finalidad de brindarnos lecturas de turbiedad del agua. El sensor ...
    • A social software for mobile learning 

      Serrão, Tássia; Crespo, Sérgio; Braz, Lucas; Clunie, Gisela (2012-07-04)
      The traditional teaching methods of the Learning Management Systems (or LMS) are rigid in nature and impose limitations on the teaching process. By having a closed pattern, these tools end up hurting the student, for ...
    • A Solution CBR Agent-Based to Classify SOAP Message within SOA Environments 

      Pinzón Trejos, Cristian; Peréz, Belén; González, Angélica; de Luís, Ana; Román, J.A. (06/10/2010)
      This paper presents the core component of a solution based on agent technology specifically adapted for the classification of SOA messages. These messages can carry out attacks that target the applications providing Web ...
    • Supporting clinical information management by NFC technology 

      Bravo, J; Casero, G; Vergara, M; Fuentes, C; Peña, R; Hervás, R; Villarreal, V (2009-07-01)
      Tele-monitorization is a problem with aging people living alone since the vital signs control is complicated for them. In this sense, some initiatives by adapting technologies make easy these controls. In this work we ...
    • Synthesis of optical filters using microring resonators with ultra-large FSR 

      Vargas, Salvador; Vázquez, Carmen (12/06/2010)
      We propose a novel synthesis method for designing flexible, tunable non-periodic filters. It is based on a building block which is presented by first time for these purposes, being the poles position tuned by means of a ...
    • Synthesis of Optical Filters Using Sagnac Interferometer in Ring Resonator 

      Vargas, Salvador; Vázquez, Carmen (11/12/2007)
      We propose a new synthesis method for the implementation of infinite impulse response filters, using a Sagnac interferometer within a ring resonator. This structure permits the synthesis of second-order optical functions ...
    • A System for Mobile Learning: A Need in a Moving World 

      Castillo, Aris; Clunie T., Clifton; de Clunie, Gisela; Rodríguez, Kexy (07/04/2013)
      This paper presents MLEA, a mobile learning application that brings together functionalities of Android devices, Moodle LMS and needs of Mobile learning system users. The application is an answer to young adult learners ...
    • Systematic review and comparison of modeling ETL processes in data warehouse 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Mazón, Jose Norberto; Trujillo, Juan (08/23/2010)
      Abstract: In a Data Warehouse (DW), ETL processes (Extraction, Transformation, Load) are responsible for extracting, transforming and loading data from the data sources into the DW. A good design of these processes in the ...
    • A Systematic Review for Mobile Monitoring Solutions in M-Health 

      Villarreal, Vladimir; Bravo, José; Hervás, Ramón (2016-09)
      A systematic review allows us to identify, assess, and interpret all possible relevant work associated with a question in particular or the subject of an area. Different authors can use several methodologies to learn about ...
    • Teaching Software Engineering from a Collaborative Perspective: Some Latin-American Experiences 

      de Clunie, Gisela T.; Giraldo, Fáber D.; Collazos, César A.; Ochoa, Sergio F.; Zapata, Sergio (09/03/2010)
      Teaching software engineering has been recognized as an important challenge for computer science undergraduate programs. Instruction in such area requires not only to deliver theoretical knowledge, but also to perform ...
    • Temporal bounded reasoning for context-based information fusion in DoS attack detection 

      Pinzón Trejos, Cristian; De Paz, Juan; Bajo, Javier; Navarro, Martí; Zato, Carolina; Julián, Vicente (07/26/2010)
      Security is one of the main aspects to take into account when designing and developing web services. A meaning number of mechanisms of attack can lead to a web service system crash. As a result, the web service cannot allow ...
    • Técnicas para la elaboración de productos educativos gamificados y su utilización en el aula de clases 

      Martínez, Anthony; Ochomogo, Yenny (2024-05-21)
      Introducción a la gamificacación para docentes de las universidades. Elaboración de productos educativos gamificados.(PEG) Beneficios de la gamificación en el aula Mecánicas dinámicas y componentes Productos educativos ...