Now showing items 83-102 of 229

    • A family of experiments to validate measures for UML activity diagrams of ETL processes in data warehouses 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Mazón, Jose Norberto; Trujillo, Juan (11/01/2010)
      In data warehousing, Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) processes are in charge of extracting the data from the data sources that will be contained in the data warehouse. Their design and maintenance is thus a cornerstone ...
    • Finding the Place: How to Train and Use Convolutional Neural Networks for a Dynamically Learning Robot 

      Cruz, Edmanuel; Rangel, José Carlos; Gomez Donoso, Francisco; Bauer, Zuria; Cazorla, Miguel; García Rodríguez, José (10/15/2018)
      For a robot, the ability to adapt his knowledge automatically and customize its behavior is a key feature. Furthermore, a robot should be able to carry out its tasks at a long-term basis, performing it seamlessly in presence ...
    • Finding Ways to Bring Education to Everyone in Panama Through Mobile Learning 

      Castillo, Aris; Clunie, Gisela (2013-07-05)
      This paper presents the main features developed for a mobile learning application to expand the possibilities of learning for students from rural areas or those constrained by schedule and location to attend school. The ...
    • A Flexible Architecture to Promote the Integration between Moodle and Social Network Sites 

      de Clunie, Gisela T.; Crespo, Sérgio; Braz, Lucas; Serao, Tassia (01/01/2013)
      Social networking sites make it possible for Internet users to communicating, sharing, cooperating and expressing their ideas. Also known as SNSs, theywield impressive attraction within its users, who spend several daily ...
    • Formal Modelling Methodology for Predicting Down Syndrome Patients in Panama 

      Saldaña B, Juan José; Rovetto, Carlos; Pitti, Edgardo; Vargas Lombardo, Miguel (2015-07-29)
      Early detection of Down syndrome patients is extremely important because it allows applying appropriate clinical treatments that reduce complications, which both the mother and the baby occur during pregnancy. The ...
    • Forming Teams for Teaching Programming based on Static Code Analysis 

      Arosemena-Trejos, Davis; Crespo, Sergio; Clunie, Clifton (2012-07-04)
      The use of team for teaching programming can be effective in the classroom because it helps students to generate and acquire new knowledge in less time, but these groups to be formed without taking into account some respects, ...
    • From implicit to touching interaction by identification technologies: Towards tagging context 

      Villarreal, Vladimir; Hervás, Ramón; Bravo, José; Fuentes, Carmen; Chavira, Gabriel; Nava, Salvador; Fontecha, Jesús; Casero, Gregorio; Peña, Rocio; Vergara, Marcos (07/19/2009)
      Intelligent environments need interactions capable of detecting users and providing them with good-quality contextual information. In this sense we adapt technologies, identifying and locating people for supporting their ...
    • From implicit to touching interaction: RFID and NFC approaches 

      Villarreal, Vladimir; Salvador, Nava; Chavira, Gabriel; Hervas, Ramon; Bravo, José (05/25/2008)
      Intelligent environments need interactions capable of detecting users and providing them with goodquality contextual information. In this sense we adapt technologies identifying and locating people adjusting their requirements. ...
    • Gender Equity in ICT Research 

      Muñoz, Lilia (2018-07-09)
      The relationship between women and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is changing but the presence of women in technical and scientific studies and research in these fields is much lower than that of men. In ...
    • Geoffrey: An Automated Schedule System on a Social Robot for the Intellectually Challenged 

      Rangel, José Carlos; Cruz, Edmanuel; Escalona, Félix; Bauer, Zuria; Cazorla, Miguel; García Rodríguez, José; Martinez Martin, Ester; Gomez Donoso, Francisco (12/02/2018)
      The accelerated growth of the percentage of elder people and persons with brain injury-related conditions and who are intellectually challenged are some of the main concerns of the developed countries. These persons often ...
    • Google Android y Moodle 

      Castillo, Aris (2011-05-17)
      Integrando Moodle y Android se logra una herramienta de M-learning, lo cual es la última tendencia en educación a distancia. Esto se puede realizar a través de agentes y web services. De los distintos protocolos posibles, ...
    • Guía de Estilo para el Diseño de Interfaces de Software Educativos para el Apoyo a la Reeducación de los Niños con Dislexia 

      Díaz Quintero, María de Jesús; Quintero, Natividad; Rodríguez, Kexy (01/01/2014)
      Este articulo tiene como objetivo presentar un trabajo de investigación realizado para el desarrollo de una Guía de estilo orientada al diseño de interfaces de software educativos para el apoyo a la reeducación de los niños ...
    • Guía para la Producción de Objetos de Aprendizaje Accesibles 

      Castillo, Sugeys; Griffin, Yaizet; Aguirre, Isabel (08/01/2013)
      Las experiencias derivadas de las observaciones registradas en los centros de educación básica del área metropolitana y de las provincias de la República de Panamá, en base al trabajo que realizan los maestros para atender ...
    • Hacia la reutilización de datos abiertos: caso de la República de Panamá 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Patiño, Libny; Hernández, Daves; Gutierrez, Sandra; Concepción, Irvin (09/01/2017)
      La apertura de datos en América Latina está en la agenda pública de los gobiernos. A lo largo del mundo cada vez son más los gobiernos que se suman a las iniciativas de datos abiertos, debido a las múltiples ventajas que ...
    • Herramienta Tecnológica para el Tratamiento de las Dificultades en el Aprendizaje que Presentan los Niños y Niñas con Dislexia en Panamá 

      Rodríguez Martínez, Kexy; Díaz Quintero, María de Jesús; Quintero Fuentes, Natividad (11/01/2011)
      Durante los últimos años, las dificultades en el aprendizaje de la lectura y escritura en niños han sido objeto de numerosas investigaciones y trabajos que han ayudado considerablemente a su comprensión y solución. Estas ...
    • How to add new knowledge to already trained deep learning models applied to semantic localization 

      Cruz, Edmanuel; Rangel, José Carlos; Gomez Donoso, Francisco; Cazorla, Miguel (06/19/2019)
      The capacity of a robot to automatically adapt to new environments is crucial, especially in social robotics. Often, when these robots are deployed in home or office environments, they tend to fail because they lack the ...
    • A hybrid agent-based classification mechanism to detect denial of service attacks 

      Pinzón Trejos, Cristian; De Paz, Juan; Rodríguez, Sara; Bajo, Javier; Corchado, Juan (09/03/2009)
      This paper presents the core component of a solution based on agent technology specifically adapted for the classification of SOAP messages. The messages can carry out attacks that target the applications providing Web ...
    • ICT: Improving processes in rural areas 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Jaime Acosta, Farrah Batista; Edgar Ríos, Rodolfo Moreno (Telematics and Information Systems (EATIS), 2016 8th Euro American Conference onTelematics and Information Systems (EATIS), 2016 8th Euro American Conference on, 07/25/2016)
      The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are the foundation for the Administration to achieve lower costs, streamline processes and provide better service to citizens; but above all they allow you to convert ...
    • ICT: Improving processes in rural areas 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Batista Acosta, Farrah Jaime; Moreno Ríos, Rodolfo Edgar; Vásquez, Volker (04/28/2016)
      The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are the foundation for the Administration to achieve lower costs, streamline processes and provide better service to citizens; but above all they allow you to convert ...
    • Identidad en la ciencia: la importancia de crear y mantener un perfil científico 

      Murillo, Danny (2024-03-22)
      Presentación sobre la identidad digital en la comunicación científica como parte de las acciones de comunicación organizado por el Sistema Nacional de Investigación - SENACYT Objetivos: Proporcionar a los investigadores ...