Investigación: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 261-280 de 499
Survival Engineering and the Game of Knowledge: A Ludic Form of Teaching and Learning in Engineering
(The Future of Higher Education in the Middle East and Africa, 03/27/2018)Within the engineering pedagogy, it must be remembered that students learn in many different ways: seeing, hearing, thinking, acting, drawing analogies, and building mathematical models in the area of science and technology. ... -
Project-based learning and use of the CDIO Syllabus for geology course assessment
(2014-07-06)This study provides an overview of the development of hard and soft skills from project-based curriculum planning, and suggests ways to evaluate them in the context of engineering education and their importance in the ... -
The Balance Score Card for the Design and Validation Instrumens to Measure the Academic Teachers´s Achievement and Performance
(2012-07-04)The evaluation of faculty work is critical for the university accreditation. Moreover, particularly sensitive to this related tendency of faculty work evaluation; it is necessary to go beyond the knowledge factor and ... -
Estilos digitales de estudiantes universitarios en C&T y aplicaciones didácticas de los SmartPhones en el salón de clases.
(2014-07-24)La actividad universitaria incluye la difusión y la adquisición de datos e informaciones, diseminada en múltiples bases de datos y en las más variadas posibilidades de acceso, gracias a la Internet. La inmersión de los ... -
Cuadro de mando integral para el diseño y validación de instrumentos para valorar el desempeño académico de docentes
(2009-12-22)La valoración de la labor docente es un pilar de la acreditación universitaria. En un momento, particularmente sensible relacionado a esta tendencia global y a la imagen que emerge de las diferentes unidades académicas y ... -
Remoção de íons de metais pesados com bentonitas modificadas
(2001-06-23)O presente trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um material sorvente a partir de bentonitas brasileiras modificadas quimicamente com o objetivo de aumentar sua capacidade de sorção de metais pesados e seu valor agregado. ... -
Adsorption of Cu ions onto a 1.10 phenanthroline-grafted Brazilian bentonite
(2003-02-01)The grafting, by chemical adsorption, of molecular 1.10-phenanthroline (OP) onto some Brazilian bentonite (montmorillonites) was studied to improve their adsorptive capacities to remove Cu ions from synthetic wastewater. ... -
Advances in the adsorptive particulate flotation process
(09/18/2003)The removal of contaminants from liquid effluents by the adsorptive particulate flotation (APF) process, including new adsorbents and flotation devices, are reported. Herein, contaminants are adsorbed (and/or absorbed) ... -
CODILA: A Collaborative and Distributed Learning Activity applied to software engineering courses in Latin American Universities
(10/09/2010)Software engineering is a highly relevant area in the academia and also in the industry. Typically, there is an important demand for well-trained software engineers, since the code in consumer products is doubling every ... -
Teaching Software Engineering from a Collaborative Perspective: Some Latin-American Experiences
(09/03/2010)Teaching software engineering has been recognized as an important challenge for computer science undergraduate programs. Instruction in such area requires not only to deliver theoretical knowledge, but also to perform ... -
Construção Automática de Redes Sociais Móveis no Ambiente Moodle (Automatic construction of mobile social networks on Moodle)
(01/01/2016)Os métodos de ensino tradicionais dos sistemas de gerenciamento de aprendizagem (ou LMS do termo em inglês (Learning Management System) são rígidos por natureza e imp ō em limitações ao processo de ensino. Por terem um ... -
Um Mecanismo para a Integração entre o LMS Moodle e o Site de Redes Sociais Facebook
(11/25/2011)Social networking sites are great tools for aggregating and bringing people together, in the sense that they offer various forms of interaction, provi-ding its participants the ease of communication and the ability to ... -
Composition, Diversity, and Tree Structure of a Tropical Moist Forest in Gamboa, Colon, Panama
(2016-03-22)This study focuses on the floristic diversity of the forest trees found at Cerro Pelado Tropical Hydrology Observatory in Gamboa, Colon, Panama. Field work for the quantitative inventory was carried out in November 2012. ... -
Scintillometer networks for calibration and validation of energy balance and soil moisture remote sensing algorithms
(05/07/2007)Accurate estimation of sensible and latent heat fluxes as well as soil moisture from remotely sensed satellite images poses a great challenge. Yet, it is critical to face this challenge since the estimation of spatial and ... -
Induced Desorption of DDT, DDD, and DDE from a Contaminated Sediment
(1997-03-01)Release profiles of p,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDD, and p,p′-DDE from sediment collected from Indian Creek, Alabama, were measured with a gas purge-induced desorption technique and compared to a model developed in this work. DDT entered ... -
Role of pH in partitioning and cation exchange of aromatic amines on water-saturated soils
(08/04/2001)Predicting the reversible interactions between aromatic amines and soil is essential for assessing the mobility, bioavailability and exposure from contaminated sites. Reversible sorption mechanisms of aniline and α-naphthylamine ... -
Study of Seasonal Rainfall Infiltration Via Time-Lapse Surface Electrical Resistivity Tomography: Case Study of Gamboa Area, Panama Canal Watershed
(2013-12-18)The present investigation was focused on the variations in rainwater infiltration experienced by soils of Gamboa zone (Panama Canal Watershed) during various seasons of the year, employing a time-lapse analysis of electrical ... -
Estimates of Biomass and Fixed Carbon at a Rainforest in Panama
(2012-10-03)This paper presents an estimation of the quantity of carbon fixed in trees in a one hectare (ha) plot at the Cerro Pelado-Gamboa Hydrology Tropical Observatory, which is located in the province of Colon, Panama. The ... -
Increase In Simple Precipitation Intensity Index In Panama
(2011-09-30)The paper describes trends in climate change indices in the Republic of Panama by using long-term meteorological data sets from the Panama Canal and MRI-AGCM. Simple precipitation intensity index from eleven climate change ... -
Hydroclimate projections for Panama in the late 21st Century
(2013-03-31)This work analyzes hydroclimate projections in Panama toward the end of the 21st century by employing the MRIAGCM3.1 model. Understanding the impact of climate change on water resources is fundamental for a number of economic ...