Mostrando ítems 1001-1020 de 3490

    • Application of pedagogical robotics in learning for children with special needs APRoLeCSNe 

      Rangel, José Carlos; Batista, Karina Ibeth; Salazar, Rodolfo Elías; Pinzón, Cristian Iván (08/23/2013)
      APRoLeCSNe is a project that presents the approach of pedagogical robotics to support the learning methods for children with special learning needs (CSLN). Pedagogical Robotics focuses on inductive learning and guided ...
    • Automatic OSPF Topology map generation using information of the OSPF database 

      Navarro, Manuel; Rangel, José Carlos; Cruz, Edmanuel (02/11/2018)
      Nowadays, different technologies provide support to different areas of our diverse lifestyles around the world. Highly reputable companies are doing important research on the connectivity of multiple devices to the different ...
    • Multiagent System for Semantic Categorization of Places Mean the Use of Distributed Surveillance Cameras 

      Rangel, José Carlos; Pinzón, Cristian (01/09/2019)
      Surveillance systems are quite common in almost every building. The current dimension of these systems is huge and involves a great deal of hardware and human resources for achieving these objectives. This paper proposes ...
    • Semantic Localization of a Robot in a Real Home 

      Bauer, Zuria; Rangel, José Carlos; Cazorla, Miguel; Gomez Donoso, Francisco (11/21/2018)
      In social robotics, it is important that a mobile robot knows where it is because it provides a starting point for other activities such as moving from one room to another. As a contribution to solving this problem in the ...
    • How to add new knowledge to already trained deep learning models applied to semantic localization 

      Cruz, Edmanuel; Rangel, José Carlos; Gomez Donoso, Francisco; Cazorla, Miguel (06/19/2019)
      The capacity of a robot to automatically adapt to new environments is crucial, especially in social robotics. Often, when these robots are deployed in home or office environments, they tend to fail because they lack the ...
    • Robot Semantic Localization Through CNN Descriptors 

      Cruz, Edmanuel; Rangel, José Carlos; Cazorla, Miguel (11/12/2017)
      Semantic localization for mobile robots involves an accurate determination of the kind of place where a robot is located. Therefore, the representation of the knowledge of this place is crucial for the robot. In this paper ...
    • Geoffrey: An Automated Schedule System on a Social Robot for the Intellectually Challenged 

      Rangel, José Carlos; Cruz, Edmanuel; Escalona, Félix; Bauer, Zuria; Cazorla, Miguel; García Rodríguez, José; Martinez Martin, Ester; Gomez Donoso, Francisco (12/02/2018)
      The accelerated growth of the percentage of elder people and persons with brain injury-related conditions and who are intellectually challenged are some of the main concerns of the developed countries. These persons often ...
    • Automatic semantic maps generation from lexical annotations 

      Rangel, José Carlos; Cazorla, Miguel; García Varea, Ismael; Romero González, Cristina; Martínez Gómez, Jesus (03/15/2018)
      The generation of semantic environment representations is still an open problem in robotics. Most of the current proposals are based on metric representations, and incorporate semantic information in a supervised fashion. ...
    • Object Recognition in Noisy RGB-D Data 

      Rangel, José Carlos; Morell, Vicente; Cazorla, Miguel; Orts-Escolano, Sergio; García Rodríguez, José (01/01/2015)
      The object recognition task on 3D scenes is a growing research field that faces some problems relative to the use of 3D point clouds. In this work, we focus on dealing with noisy clouds through the use of the Growing Neural ...
    • Using GNG on 3D Object Recognition in Noisy RGB-D data 

      Rangel, José Carlos; Morell, Vicente; Cazorla, Miguel; Orts-Escolano, Sergio; García Rodríguez, José (10/01/2015)
      The object recognition task on 3D scenes is a growing research field that faces some problems relative to the use of 3D point clouds. In this work, we focus on dealing with the noise in the clouds through the use of the ...
    • Finding the Place: How to Train and Use Convolutional Neural Networks for a Dynamically Learning Robot 

      Cruz, Edmanuel; Rangel, José Carlos; Gomez Donoso, Francisco; Bauer, Zuria; Cazorla, Miguel; García Rodríguez, José (10/15/2018)
      For a robot, the ability to adapt his knowledge automatically and customize its behavior is a key feature. Furthermore, a robot should be able to carry out its tasks at a long-term basis, performing it seamlessly in presence ...
    • Computing Image Descriptors from Annotations Acquired from External Tools 

      Rangel, José Carlos; Cazorla, Miguel; García Varea, Ismael; Martínez Gómez, Jesus; Fromont, Élisa; Sebban, Marc (11/28/2015)
      Visual descriptors are widely used in several recognition and classification tasks in robotics. The main challenge for these tasks is to find a descriptor that could represent the image content without losing representative ...
    • An augmented reality application for improving shopping experience in large retail stores 

      Cruz, Edmanuel; Orts-Escolano, Sergio; Gomez-Donoso, Francisco; Rizo, Carlos; Rangel, Jose Carlos; Mora, Higinio; Cazorla, Miguel (02/24/2018)
      In several large retail stores, such as malls, sport or food stores, the customer often feels lost due to the difficulty in finding a product. Although these large stores usually have visual signs to guide customers toward ...
    • Irrigation System Through Intelligent Agents Implemented With Arduino Technology 

      Salazar, Rodolfo; Rangel, José Carlos; Pinzón, Cristian; Rodríguez, Abel (11/01/2013)
      The water has become in recent years a valuable and increasingly scarce. Its proper use in agriculture has demanded incorporate new technologies, mainly in the area of ICT. In this paper we present a smart irrigation system ...
    • LexToMap: lexical-based topological mapping 

      Rangel, José Carlos; Martínez Gómez, Jesus; García Varea, Ismael; Cazorla, Miguel (11/30/2016)
      Any robot should be provided with a proper representation of its environment in order to perform navigation and other tasks. In addition to metrical approaches, topological mapping generates graph representations in which ...
    • Semi-supervised 3D object recognition through CNN labeling 

      Rangel, José Carlos; Martínez Gómez, Jesus; Romero González, Cristina; García Varea, Ismael; Cazorla, Miguel (04/01/2018)
      Despite the outstanding results of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in object recognition and classification, there are still some open problems to address when applying these solutions to real-world problems. Specifically, ...
    • Clasificacion Supervisada de Firmas Espectrales de ´ Coberturas Agropecuarias en Panama Utilizando el ´ Mapeo del Angulo Espectral 

      Sanchez-Galan, Javier; Jiménez, José Ulises; Fábrega, José; Serrano, Jorge; Quirós-McIntire, Evelyn Itzel (XLV CONFERENCIA LATINOAMERICANA DE INFORMÁTICAXLV CONFERENCIA LATINOAMERICANA DE INFORMÁTICA, 2019-10-30)
      En este trabajo se presentan consideraciones el desarrollo de una base de datos de firmas espectrales georreferenciadas de coberturas de cultivos agropecuarios y vegetación baja, conocida como biblioteca de firmas espectrales, ...
    • Caracterización morfológica y espectral de 6 variedades criollas de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) en Panamá 

      Jiménez, José Ulises; Quirós-McIntire, Evelyn Itzel; Camargo-García, Víctor; Serrano, Jorge; Sánchez-Galán, Javier; Fábrega, José (2018-07-19)
      El presente trabajo forma parte del proyecto SENACYT IDDS 15-184 titulado “Diseño de un sistema experto basado en firmas espectrales de coberturas agropecuarias en Panamá”. El sitio de estudio se localiza en el Sub-centro ...
    • Detección de índice de área foliar por firma espectral de cultivo de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) 

      Serrano Reyes, Jorge; Fábrega, José; Quirós, Evelyn; Jiménez, José Ulises; SanchezGalan, Javier (2018-07-19)
      El objetivo del estudio fue determinar las longitudes para la detección espectral del índice de área foliar en cultivo de arroz variedad IDIAP 52-05. Se realizaron mediciones de campo con un espectrorradiómetro y medidas ...
    • Funciones de R para graficar, clasificar y explorar los datos de textura del suelo 

      Jiménez, José Ulises (2019-09-20)
      Buena parte de este documento es extraído y editado de Julien Moeys, 2018. Se presenta el uso de algunas de las funciones del paquete soiltexture. El paquete soiltexture proporciona una caja de herramientas para analizar ...