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Revistas Académicas UTP
Revista de Iniciación Científica
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Revista de Iniciación Científica: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 141-160 de 282
Effectiveness of biofilm formation by pseudomonas strains and their ability to decrease chlorine and antagonism of coliform bacteria
Abadia, Edgardo; Rodríguez, Oliver; De La Cruz, Alexis
Caliche-based legos
Rodríguez, Gladicel; Cruz, Dalkis; Alaín, Greichy; Rodríguez, Genesis; Almengor, Jorge
Precision agriculture with drones to control diseases in the rice plant
Barraza, Jorge A.; Espinoza, Eduardo J.; Espinos, Alonso G.; Serracin, Jose
Reuse of plastic as a reinforcement for the construction of sidewalks
Aguilar, María; Fernandez, Ana; Garcíaz, Héctor; Melamed, Ben; Saavedra, Casilda
Evaluation of activated carbon filter base on fruit peels (pineapple, banana, coconut, orange)
Arrocha, Fabiola; Guevara, Cecilia; Gonzalez, Marelissa; Rivas, Fany; Delgado, Rodney
TRI-CRO: Application for the verification, resolution of rectangle triangles, oblicuangles and temporary storage of data.
Guevara, Luciano; Calderón, Heidy; Sánchez, Luis; Tejedor Morales, María Yahaira
Student Information System to improve the school management of the General Basic Education Center El Empalme
Hernández, Keren; Abrego, Edilsa; Álvarez, Alcibíades; Mendoza-Avilés, José
Postharvest preservation of Carica papaya L. by coating with bioplastic developed from starch, clay and garlic
Batista, Melissa; Aldonado, Natasha; Moreno, Yailin; Solís, Leticia; Quintero, Rosa; Correa, Jhonny
Validation of a photovoltaic design with a consumption of 30 Watts DC, to be used with an NFT system in communities without access to the electricity grid
López, Gabriel; Jirón, José; Rodríguez, Karina; Velardes, Sergio; Rosales, Héctor
Proposal for energy densification of waste and biomass resources through pelletization
Marin, Gregory; Pérez, Josimar; Aguilar, Orlando
Design of a prototype of a solar heater with recycled materials
Ávila, Víctor; Chong, Rosa; Terreo, Suyen; Marín, Nacarí
Evaluation of adhesive strength of paper
Aguilar, Jaqueline; Benzadón, María; De León, Erick; Sánchez, María; Cedeño, Maritza
Problems in the electrical distribution network in the district of Changuinola, province of Bocas del Toro
Guerra, Diocelina; Saldaña, Joustin; Rivera, José; González, Joannys; Valdés, Vanessa
Implementation of a Data Mart for the MOODLE virtual academic platform as a Business Intelligence solution applying Agile Methodology at the Technology University of Panama
Jurado, Danitzel; Miguelena, Ramfis
Use of solar energy to improve the social conditions of the community of Loma Muleto, Bocas del Toro
Jimenez, Tamar; Silva, Luis; Fernández, Miguel; Valdés, Vanessa
Evaluation of data speed transfer between different telephone companies
Moreno, Irian; Ureña, Yennifer; Mudarra, Marian; Vega, Guadalupe; Cedeño, Maritza
Evaluación ergonómica de puestos de trabajo mediante la técnica rapid entire body assessment
Calderón, Rita; Henríquez, Julián; Henríquez, Verónica; Mendoza, Eloisa; De Moreno, Maritza
Sistema de conteo de frutas por barrera de luz mediante el uso de tecnología Arduino
Johnston, James; Tugrí, José; Méndez, Joseph; Villarreal, Vladimir
Importancia del nivel de oxígeno en la eficiencia de un humedal artificial con flujo subsuperficial vertical ascendente
Batista, Augusto; Carreño, Cesar; Gaitán, Cristela; Núñez, Nisbeth; Vallester, Erick
Sistema de detección de sustancias y partículas contaminantes para el ambiente a través de sensores arduino
Pinzón, Antonio; Castillo, Miguel; González, Edwin; Araúz, José; Villarreal, Vladimir
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