Now showing items 1-10 of 103
Cuadro de mando integral para el diseño y validación de instrumentos para valorar el desempeño académico de docentes
La valoración de la labor docente es un pilar de la acreditación universitaria. En un momento, particularmente sensible relacionado a esta tendencia global y a la imagen que emerge de las
diferentes unidades académicas y ...
Metodología para el Modelado de la Gestión de la Innovación en PYMES. Caso de Panamá
(12th International Conference on Project Engineering12th International Conference on Project Engineering, 2008-12-01)
Es probable que los países en desarrollo queden estancados en la pobreza a menos que al igual que los países desarrollados logren un crecimiento sostenible mediante la incorporación de ciencia, tecnología e innovación en ...
Seismic Response of Single-Degree-of-Freedom (SDOF) Structural Fuse Systems
Passive energy dissipation (PED) devices have been implemented to enhance structural performance by reducing seismically induced structural damage. In this paper metallic dampers are defined to be structural fuses (SF) ...
Diabetes Patients' Care based on Mobile Monitoring
In this paper, we propose a new architecture for diabetes patients. These applications allow the monitoring, patient selfcontrol and communication between patient and doctor. Moreover, as an important study case, we present ...
New optical filter employing multireflection mirror to provide design flexibility for WDMA
A novel optical device employing an amplified ring resonator and a multireflecting mirror inside, is presented. Is founded its transfer function. Also simple expressions for the separation of the two maximums of this novel ...
Measurements on passive tunable optical filters for DWDM
Measurements on a passive optical fibre tunable filter are presented. The device is based on a loop mirror in a ring resonator. The loop mirror allows tuning by changing the coupling coefficient of a coupler. The novel ...
Measures for ETL processes models in data warehouses
processes take charge of extracting the data from data sources that would be contained in the data warehouse. Due to their relevance, the quality of these processes should be formally assessed since the early stages of ...
Resultados de la Identificación de Conglomerados y Proyectos Basados en I+D+i en Sectores Agropecuario y Agroindustrial Panameño al Año 2008
La identificación de conglomerados y proyectos basados en I+D+I, ejecutada bajo el Proyecto “Estudio del sector agropecuario y agroindustrial panameño para identificar conglomerados y proyectos basados en I+D+I que fomenten ...
From implicit to touching interaction by identification technologies: Towards tagging context
Intelligent environments need interactions capable of detecting users and providing them with good-quality contextual information. In this sense we adapt technologies, identifying and locating people for supporting their ...
PIViTa: Taxonomy for Displaying Information in Pervasive and Collaborative Environments
In the years ahead, there are increasing demands for ubiquitous and continuous access to information and interactive devices embedded into a physical context are proliferated. Users need support for getting required ...