Now showing items 1-10 of 35
Estilos digitales de estudiantes universitarios en C&T y aplicaciones didácticas de los SmartPhones en el salón de clases.
La actividad universitaria incluye la difusión y la adquisición de datos e informaciones, diseminada en múltiples bases de datos y en las más variadas posibilidades de acceso, gracias a la Internet. La inmersión de los ...
Arquitectura multi-agente adaptativa para la detección de ataques en entornos dinámicos y distribuidos
Las tecnologías de computación distribuidas surgieron dentro de las comunidades académicas y de investigación para satisfacer las necesidades de conexión y colaboración en estos sectores, pero poco a poco han pasado a ...
idMAS-SQL: Intrusion Detection Based on MAS to Detect and Block SQL injection through data mining
This study presents a multiagent architecture aimed at detecting SQL injection attacks, which are one of the most prevalent threats for modern databases. The proposed architecture is based on a hierarchical and distributed ...
Improving the Language Active Learning with Multiagent Systems
Nowadays, there is a growing need for providing novel solutions to facilitate active learning in dependency environments. This paper present a multiagent architecture that incorporates agents specifically designed to provide ...
Protecting Web Services against DoS Attacks: A Case-Based Reasoning Approach
The real-time detection is a key factor to detect and block DoS attacks within Web services. DoS attacks can be generated for different techniques that take advantage of points vulnerable within Web services. This paper ...
A Security Proposal Based on a Real Time Agent to Protect Web Services Against DoS Attack
This paper describes a novel proposal based on a real time agent to detect and block denial of service attacks within web services environments. The real time agent incorporates a classification mechanism based on a Case-Base ...
SCMAS: A distributed hierarchical multi-agent architecture for blocking attacks to databases
One of the main attacks on databases is the SQL injection attack which causes severe damage both in the commercial aspect and the confidence of users. This paper presents a novel strategy for detecting and preventing SQL ...
Mitigation of the ground reflection effect in real-time locating systems based on wireless sensor networks by using artificial neural networks
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become much more relevant in recent years, mainly because they can be used in a wide diversity of applications. Real-time locating systems (RTLSs) are one of the most promising applications ...
A Multiagent Based Strategy for Detecting Attacks in Databases in a Distributed Mode
This paper presents a distributed hierarchical multiagent architecture for detecting SQL injection attacks against databases. It uses a novel strategy, which is supported by a Case-Based Reasoning mechanism, which provides ...
Temporal bounded reasoning for context-based information fusion in DoS attack detection
Security is one of the main aspects to take into account when designing and developing web services. A meaning number of mechanisms of attack can lead to a web service system crash. As a result, the web service cannot allow ...