Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Characterization of Biochar from Rice Hulls and Wood Chips Produced in a Top-Lit Updraft Biomass Gasifier 

      James Rivas, Arthur; Yuan, Wenqiao; Boyette, Michael D.; Wang, Donghai; Kumar, Ajay (2016-01-01)
      The objective of this study was to characterize biochar produced from rice hulls and wood chips in a top-lit updraft gasifier. Biochar from four airflows (8, 12, 16, or 20 L min-1) and two insulation conditions (not insulated ...
    • Estimates of Biomass and Fixed Carbon at a Rainforest in Panama 

      Pinzón, Reinhardt; Fábrega, José; Vega, David; Vallester, Erick; Aizprúa, Rafael; López-Serrano, Francisco; Ogden, Fred; Espino, Kleveer (2012-10-03)
      This paper presents an estimation of the quantity of carbon fixed in trees in a one hectare (ha) plot at the Cerro Pelado-Gamboa Hydrology Tropical Observatory, which is located in the province of Colon, Panama. The ...