Now showing items 459-478 of 480

    • Use of wireframes and mockup on the redesign of a university website using the methodology User Centered Design 

      Murillo, Danny; Herrera, Jeremias (Memorias del VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Telemática CITA2015Memorias del VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Telemática CITA2015, 07/01/2015)
      In this paper the results obtained in the redesign of the website of the Technological University of Panama using the methodology, user center design (UCD). In the different technical sections and steps that were used to ...
    • Using a Communication Model to Collect Measurement Data through Mobile Devices 

      Bravo, Jose; Villarreal, Vladimir; Hervas, Ramon; Urzaiz, Gabriel (sensorssensors, 07/05/2012)
      Wireless systems and services have undergone remarkable development since the first mobile phone system was introduced in the early 1980s. The use of sensors in an Ambient Intelligence approach is a great solution in a ...
    • Using a Communication Model to Collect Measurement Data through Mobile Devices 

      Bravo, José; Villarreal, Vladimir; Hervás, Ramón; Urzaiz, Gabriel (07/05/2012)
      Wireless systems and services have undergone remarkable development since the first mobile phone system was introduced in the early 1980s. The use of sensors in an Ambient Intelligence approach is a great solution in a ...
    • Using a TV Set to Show Electron Diffraction 

      Cruz de Gracia, Evgeni S.; Baibich, Mario Norberto (2013-07-05)
      We show the feasibility of constructing a simple set-up to demonstrate the diffraction of electrons starting from a standard TV set. Two concentric rings around a central maxima appears on the screen of the modified TV set ...
    • Using GNG on 3D Object Recognition in Noisy RGB-D data 

      Rangel, José Carlos; Morell, Vicente; Cazorla, Miguel; Orts-Escolano, Sergio; García Rodríguez, José (10/01/2015)
      The object recognition task on 3D scenes is a growing research field that faces some problems relative to the use of 3D point clouds. In this work, we focus on dealing with the noise in the clouds through the use of the ...
    • Using the Micro – Resistivity Method to Detect Hispanic Ancient Floors at Nombre de Dios, Panama 

      Mojica, Alexis; Pastor, Louis; Vanhoeserlande, Richard; Salamanca, María (2010-07-02)
      This article describes the application of the method of electric prospection to the detection of floors of hispanic type associated with the site of Nombre de Dios. This site represents an important and ancient Spanish ...
    • Uso de la Gamificación en el Proceso de Inducción de la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá 

      Martínez, Anthony; Ochomogo, Yenny; Miguelena, Ramfis (V Jornada de Campus Virtuales, 10/01/2014)
      Durante los últimos años hemos visto como el término “gamificación” ha estado convirtiéndose en una nueva tendencia de cómo vincular mecánicas de juego con otras áreas de conocimiento, en este caso, con educación para ...
    • Uso de la Plataforma TIC Cruz del Sur para gestionar programas de movilidad 

      Castillo, Aris; Saavedra, Constanza (2021-06-16)
      TIC Cruz del Sur es una herramienta para manejar la movilidad internacional, que surge como resultado de un proyecto de colaboración internacional financiado por la Unión Europea y que apoya la labor de las Oficinas de ...
    • Utilizacion de ontologias de ingenieria del software para la evaluacion de la calidad en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje 

      Clunie, Clifton; Robinson, Lilliam (2012-07-04)
      La modalidad virtual contribuye a la formación de profesionales con calificaciones múltiples, poniendo especial énfasis en el trabajo en equipo y en la capacidad de aprender a aprender, además de estimular al ciudadano ...
    • Vehículo Submarino de 6 Grados de Libertad para Inspección Interna de Tuberías 

      Caballero, Rony; Vega Sáenz, Adán; Berbey Álvarez, Aranzazu; Rodríguez, José (2012-07-04)
      La inspección internas de túneles de hidroeléctricas, tuberías de presión, cascos de barco y lugares muy cerrados dentro de estructuras sumergidas requieren la utilización de un vehículo submarino operado remotamente. Sin ...
    • Vertical Movement of Resonance Hopping Robot with Electric Drive and Simple Control System 

      Montes Franceschi, Héctor; Akinfiev, Teodor; Armada, Manuel (2003-06-01)
      In the paper vertical movements of resonance hopping robot with one leg and electric drive are considered. Special construction of hopping robot with compensation of losses during flight of the robot allows to employ a ...
    • A view on the use of ICT in SMEs in Panama 

      Muñoz, Lilia; Pitti, Piscis (07/30/2015)
      The gradual integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the economic activity will allow Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in particular to gain competitive advantages, to improve their processes ...
    • Virtual C: Una Herramienta Para Administración de Contenidos en Sitios Web 

      Rodríguez Martínez, Kexy (08/01/2009)
      El presente artículo describe la experiencia en el desarrollo del prototipo de una herramienta para la gestión de contenidos en sitios web, con miras a satisfacer las necesidades de personas sin conocimientos técnicos en ...
    • Virtual world interaction 

      Lee, Nadia; de Clunie, Gisela T. (04/04/2014)
      The research paper describes the development of a user friendly 3D virtual world. For the research, we modeled building number 3 of the Technological University of Panama, Victor Levi Sasso Campus. For the virtual world ...
    • Virtualización de la educación y formación docente: El caso de la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Luego de 10 Años de Ejecución 

      González, Elida Edith; Morales, Maritza; Villarreal, Yazmina (02/01/2012)
      El presente artículo plantea la experiencia concreta en enseñanza virtual desarrollada por el Centro de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación en las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (CIDITIC), de la ...
    • Visibility of Panamanian scientific journals in regional indexers and Google Scholar 

      Murillo, Danny; Fenández, Madelaine; Añino, Yostin; López, Omar (2022-07-18)
      – This work aims to show an analysis of scientific journals in Panama to know their visibility, reach on different platforms and the impact of their publications through basic bibliometric indicators such as citations and ...
    • Vision-based heading angle estimation for an autonomous mobile robots navigation 

      Cáceres Hernández, Danilo; Dung Hoang, Van; Filonenko, Alexander; Hyun Jo, Kang (07/01/2014)
      Autonomous mobile robots navigation and control systems are still hugely important in real time robotic applications. When moving towards fully autonomous navigation, guidance plays a vital task for successful autonomous ...
    • Water Quality Evaluation of the Cabra River Using Biological Indicators 

      Ortega Baso, Nimia I; Cedeño, Eliezer; Espino, Kleveer; James Rivas, Arthur; Ulises Jiménez, José (2019 7th International Engineering, Sciences and Technology Conference (IESTEC)2019 7th International Engineering, Sciences and Technology Conference (IESTEC), 2019-10-09)
      The objective of this study was to evaluate the water quality of the Cabra River through the use of aquatic macroinvertebrates implementing the EPT and BMWP/Pan indexes. The diversity of orders and families of macroinvertebrates ...
    • A Web and Mobile Applications for Self-control of Patient Blood Pressure Through Mobiles and Biometrics Devices 

      Villarreal, Vladimir; Samudio, Manuel; Nielsen, Mel (International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient IntelligenceInternational Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, 10/07/2017)
      In this article, we want to present a platform that allows the integration of different applications for the follow-up of patients with chronic diseases. We are developing two elements: the first one, is a mobile application ...
    • Web application in Shiny for the extraction of data from profiles in Google Scholar 

      Murillo, Danny; Saavedra, Dalys; Zapata, Robinson (2023-07-18)
      – The need to measure the contribution of researchers through academic profiles is of great importance, which is why in 2018 we created an algorithm in R language to dynamically extract data from individual and institutional ...